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5:15 pm
Family Night Supper starts at 5:15 PM * A reservation is needed for Wednesday Family Night Supper. You may call the church office each week (by Tuesday noon or just make a standing reservation and call to cancel when you are unable to attend. Cost $5 adults, $3 children. Come and join us for our […]
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(Musicians 5:30 pm / Singers 6:00 pm)
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IGNITE Student Ministries
IGNITE Student Ministry is a student ministry for 7th through 12th grade students. Youth Group meets at 6:30 pm to 7:30pm every Wednesday night. IGNITE students meet in the youth room, upstairs above the Fellowship Hall. Dinner is provided before IGNITE, please have students eat before 5:50 pm. Check out our Instagram for more events […]
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