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8:45 am
Men’s Prayer Time
All men are invited to join us in a quick time of prayer every Sunday morning. Join us in praying for our families, church, community and country from 8:45 am to 9:00 am.
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Coffee/Breakfast Fellowship
COFFEE/BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP for all in the Fellowship Hall Please come and join us! Starting at 9:00 AM
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(Anyone welcome / Across from choir room) Second floor
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Sunday School
You are invited to join us for Sunday School from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. We have Sunday School classes for every age and walk in life!
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Worship Service
Come join us for Worship at 10:30 am! We will have a time of singing, fellowship, and teaching every Sunday morning. Nursery services are provided and children up to 4th grade are encouraged to attend Children's church during the sermon. We can't wait to see you!
Find out more »6:00 pm
Worship Service
We will not be having the Sunday Night Worship Service until further notice. TBA at a later time.
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